This is a guide to help compare between Fake and Real. There are a few pictures and descriptions that will assist you as a buyer or seller to find 100% authentic items. Please look at the pictures carefully and click on them for larger quality. I will also provide a list on the bottom of this page with a brief description of sellers and buyers who are known for selling fakes, use my photos, or flake for a meet up.
Fake- 2016 Yeezy 350 Beluga. Fake Beluga back tab is wider and the stripes also wider than authentic. The inside shoe size tag is a larger font on fakes. On fake insoles, it doesn’t have a dash in between YH0010 and the font is thinner. The size range doesn’t have .0 as the ending.
Fake- 2016 Yeezy 350 Beluga. Box always have the major flaws. With new Yeezy releases always try to buy the shoes with the box. The fake box for the Beluga has a darker shade than the authentic box. The font on the size tag box is wrong. The international box is the fake one. The man on the fake box is skinner than the authentic man, even though the head attaches. Inside the box didn’t have the bottom cover.
Real- 2016 Yeezy 350 V2 Copper. The font size on the authentic hang tag is thinner as pictured.
Fake and Real- 2016 Yeezy 350 V2 Copper. The back tab must have a flash picture taken in order to see the color of the material. The nylon on the fake(1st Picture) stays black while the authentic becomes purple black(2nd Picture).
Fake and Real- 2016 Yeezy 350 V2 Copper. The authentic box states Cblack and does not completely spell out Core Black. Fake pair boxes completely writes out Core Black.
Fake and Real- 2016 Yeezy 350 V2 Copper. Size tag inside the shoe states clearly 16 for the year on authentic pairs. Fake pairs have a blur 16.
Fake and Real- 2016 Yeezy 350 V2 Copper. The insoles on authentic has the print closer to the back of the insoles rather than the fake. The sizing in copper V2 should be only in whole sizes and not in half insole sizes.
Fake- 2015 Yeezy 750 Triple Black. The inside midsole has no indention on the fake pairs. The authentic pairs have clear indentions that you can see.
Fake- 2015 Yeezy 750 Triple Black. The insoles have no design and is thinner on the fake version. The authentic has design and are thicker. The size font is wrong on the fake pair which is the top insole in the picture.
Fake- 2015 Yeezy 750 Triple Black. The fake pairs do not have the slant on the Y in the velcro strap. Authentic ones have a small slant on the Y.
Fake- 2015 Yeezy 750 Triple Black. The velcro is unevenly stitched. Authentic velcro is even from straight to bottom with the gap between velcro and zipper.
Fake- 2015 Yeezy 750 Triple Black. The back stitching are not anywhere close to the stitching area to the authentic pair. The upper insert area is wrong groove. The fake pair is also taller.
Fake- 2015 Yeezy 750 Triple Black. The indention of the boost circles are too deep on the fake pair.
Fake- 2015 Yeezy 750 Triple Black. I don’t have another pair of 2015 Yeezy 750 Triple Black to compare so I will use the chocolate 750. The size 9.5 is the triple black and the size 8 is the chocolate. First location to check is the box before the shoes. The font size on the sticker is wrong size and tilted. The head of the man logo should be connected on an authentic box. The box material is also different. The fake is smoother and have less in-depth circles.
Fake- 2016 Yeezy 350 V2 Copper. These Yeezy primeknit is so good its almost hard to tell. Its always the small details that give the shoe away between real and fake. This legit check guide is only for V2 coppers. Font size on the labels for the hang tag are suppose to be thinner on the authentic pairs, the fake pairs are thicker.
Fake- 2017 Supreme CDG Hooded Sweatshirt Black. Copies are getting better but please don’t get fooled. If the seller is too lazy or doesn’t want to give you detailed pictures, simply don’t buy from them. First picture is of the authentic box logo CDG print, notice any difference? The SHIRT on the box logo is thicker font on the fake version.
Fake- 2017 Supreme CDG Hooded Sweatshirt Black. The tags are easier to tell if its fake or not. Authentic tags are on top, as you can tell from the fake on the bottom, alignment is wrong and font size in the back is wrong. Authentic font is thinner than the fake version.
FAKE- Supreme Motion Tee. At first it is hard to tell which tee is real or not but take a closer look at the tags and you can tell the difference. The black motion tee is fake because of the size tag. The copyright R is not thin enough. Look at the back of the tag and you will see no watermark, font size is wrong and tumble dry extra large which doesn’t make sense.
REAL- 2016 Supreme Motion Tee. Look at the difference in the shirt.
FAKE- 2014 Jordan Infrared VI. Here is a sample picture of a real and fake pair. They look almost identical. Take a picture of the VI without flash and if the 3M doesn’t shine as bright, its most likely not legit. We show a picture of a fake pair underneath. Also the fake pair has a sloppier glue job.
FAKE- 2014 Jordan Infrared VI. Never buy a new shoe without the box. It gives the new item a higher chance of fraudulence. The seller stated this new pair came in “replacement” box without shoe size sticker or stamp code. This increases the chance of your pair being fake.
FAKE- 2014 Jordan Infrared VI. These are super hard to spot. Production date is wrong. Fake dates are 5/14/14 to 6/10/14. Real dates are 6/11/14 to 7/10/14. This is a picture of an early release shoe size tag.
FAKE- 2004 Jordan VII Olympic. Take a look at the midsole carefully. The color for the gold and red are off.
FAKE- 2004 Jordan VII Olympic. Jordan Olympic VII did not come out 2006 but actually 2004. The bar code and date is not attached like they are on authentic Jordan’s in this era.
REAL- 2004 Jordan VII Olympic. Look at the authentic colorway.
FAKE- 2012 Jordan XI Bred. UPDATED 9/20/17. Fakes are getting so good its barely easy to spot as it use to be. Please pay close attention to detail as that’s whats going to help determine what is real or not. This box top is blurry on the XI which is a positive sign but the YOU MADE THEM ICONIC is misspelled to YOU MADE THEN ICONIC.
FAKE- 2012 Jordan XI Bred. UPDATED 9/20/17. The rip tag for the retail price is fully glued on, none of the retail pairs are like that. The whole shape of the top of the shoe is off, its too much of a box and less of a curve. The midsole foam glows in black light which the real doesnt.
FAKE- 2012 Jordan XI Bred. Shoes are becoming harder and harder to spot FAKES. At first glance, these 2012 Jordan XI Bred are hardly noticeable but the flaws will be shown. They were mainly not noticeable upon the shoe but the box has many flaws.
FAKE- 2012 Jordan XI Bred. 2012 Jordan XI Bred is missing the Nike sticker behind the box.
REAL- 2012 Jordan XI Bred. Authentic Bred XI have the Jordan sign on the 3rd hole.
REAL- 2012 Jordan IX Doernbecher authentic has a Nike sticker behind the box.
FAKE- 2012 Jordan XI Bred font are blurry and wrong size compared to an authentic box.
REAL- 2012 Jordan IX Doernbecher authentic font and size.
FAKE- 2012 Jordan XI Bred price tag is blurry. Price tag is blurry in person.
REAL- 2012 Jordan IX Doernbecher price tag is clear. Price tag is clear in person.
FAKE- 2012 Jordan XI Bred. The carbon fiber is plastic and one of the squares is missing.
FAKE- 2012 Jordan XI Bred.Check the tongue, the Jordan sign is actually on the 4th hole. Authentic Bred XI are on the 3rd hole.
FAKE- 2012 Jordan XI Bred. This style of Jordan Bred XI did not come out 2008 but actually 2000 when the shoe size tag were in this style. The bar code and date is not attached like the way they are on authentic Jordan’s in this era.
FAKE and Real- The men size sticker font is wrong on the size 8.5 and the size 14 is authentic for Bred XI. PLEASE CLICK THE PICTURE TO SEE DETAILS

Avoid these Buyers and Sellers-
Angel Diaz- complained that a sticker they purchased took 9 days for shipping when shipping was free and first class from NYC to California. Grailed angelddiaz12. 339 East Lake Ave Watsonville, California 95076.
Anbiamaulana and jumpingjackstore (Instagram)- asked for Supreme cap and never paid invoice. Then wanted to low ball for the cap new lower than retail for $30.
Angel Sanchez- Grailed- fifty9cruzr. 618 Page Ave Ne Albuquerque, NM 87102. Bought on Saturday and believed that was a business day. Opened a claim on Monday stating that I was scamming and I didnt ship the Travis Scott Air Force 1s. It was already shipped and arrived Wednesday. Dont sell to an impatient buyer who constantly nags you.
Billy Rammal- Fake profile on facebook. Believes box logo hood are fake because price is marked off retail tag.
Binh Truong- or Angélica Alzorriz Vasiliu. 12654 hoover st #355 garden grove, California 92841. 6615797422. Ordered bred toe 1s gs from my website and filed a chargeback with their credit card that they didn’t authorize the order. I was fortunate that paypal covered the transaction because it was delivered to the house stated in order.
Bradley Torigny- 6 Old Gardner Road Westminster, Massachusetts 01473. Grailed scammer, leaves negative feedback for no reason at all. ID bradleytourigny.
Chris Stump- 11980 Southwest 3rd Street Plantation, FL 33325 954-494-1408. Bought Jordan V Oreo size 12 off my website and because there was signature confirmation, claimed a chargeback with paypal that he did not authorize the order.
Daniel OHalloran- 118 E Brookfield Ave Mt Prospect, IL 60056. 3129349646. There are too many people who believe that they know items more than you, and this is one of them. He tried to tell me a Japanese beanie I Love NY was fake, which it is unheard of because this is not a high value Supreme item. I show every proof it is real on my listing and they still had the audacity to say its not real after purchase. This is what he said after I show him more proof- YOU’RE RIGHT. LEAP OF FAITH. FUCK IT. 5 STAR REVIEW. GONNA WEAR IT INTO THE GROUND WOOP WOOP. YOUR KARMA POINTS WOULD BE SO LOW IF YOU WERE A LIAR BUT YOU’RE NOT AND THATS DOPE. BIG THANGS FOR YOU AND YOURS IN 2019.
Dara Michelle- 9143913211.
Sometimes you want to be nice sometimes you just pretend. I asked simply where she works and she gives me a tantrum that I dont need to ask those ridicoulous questions and I should just give her a place because she wants it. Works at Matrix Executive Search LLC.
David Warren- IG-Lunarpreme. 5115 Meadowlake Dr Dunwoody, GA 30338. Absolutely the most annoying customer in the world. Wanted a supreme keychain at retail cost shipped on grailed. He was blocked there for lowballing after 40 messages, then buygs it via website and instagram and complains I sold him a damaged item when the item was completely new and had no issues while I had it. Sends me another 40 messages complaining about a $47 keychain. Avoid at all cost.
Derek Summers-, made 2 fake tracking for pokemon cards and have not sent anything. Avoid this seller at all cost.
Dom Lombardo- I consigned a few items to him to sell and he never returned the unsold items or paid me out. Avoid him at all cost.
Ethan Moller or Trent Moller- 6746 W Roberta Ln Peoria, AZ 85383 623-806-3151. What a waste of time, claimed I was a bot because he bought a keychain for $18 and he wanted a refund immediately. He assumed he was getting the supreme high dunks shoes for $18.
Felicia Riley- never sent a pokemon ultra premium collection and made many excuses why they didnt including they landed in hospital.
Gabrielle Gowandan- 30 talbot road Northampton,Nhm nn1 4JB United Kingdom. 07939351861.Chargeback scammer from kixify.
Griffin Wal- 6527 Delisle Court Prince George British Colombia 825 521 Canada. made a chargeback case over supreme socks and claim they are fake. ive sold thousands of these white supreme socks.
Hank Mcgill or Drug Bwoy- 9021 Kathlyn Dr Saint Louis, MO 63134 678-965-5589 Chargeback scammer. Ordered a small pack of black boxers and claims didnt make the purchase after the item is delivered.
Justin Westerman or Gail Mills- 192 E 31st St Brooklyn, NY 11226. 7187728527. 2 names under one account is a definite giveaway that they are scammers. They bought court purple 1s sz 13 and said that they didn’t authorize the transaction even though it was signature confirmation and signed by A ZAMBORANO.
Kenneth David- 44 NORTH 7TH ST, APT #APT 3 Newark, NJ 07107. Kixify scammer. Purchased an item and can’t wait for shipping for 2 days and opened a paypal case claiming never received item.
Laurence Peterson-1604 Louise St., Laguna Beach, CA 92651 Grailed scammer. Purchased item and after it was delivered, opened a chargeback claim.
Nawel Girma- 636 542 1495. Blocked by grailed for trying to do outside transaction. Messages me to have invoice sent to his paypal and other paypals 3 times and supposedly couldn’t order off website. Attempted scam or scam email showing invoice paid. Do not do business with him for possible fraud.
Max Young- 422 page avenue Atlanata, Georgia 30307 Grailed:Myoung827. Grailed scammer, purchases items on Grailed and claims it was not an authorized transaction.
Nathaniel Mcgowan- 1526 Charles Blvd Greenville, NC 27858. Chargeback buyer from ebay. Sent Leaves bookpack north face and received a return which was a different green bookpack. Do not allow this buyer to purchase.
Oscar Salmon- 2475 Santa Barbara Loop Round Rock, TX 78665 713-851-1601. Buyer claimed to Paypal that item not received. Purchased via kixify. The item was ordered 12/1/17 and made the claim 2 months later. The package was at USPS waiting for his pick up for over a month.
Rosa Plays or Sophia Baker- 14574 Luna Media SAN DIEGO, CA 92127. Biggest etsy scammer for pokemon. Ive sold millions of pokemon cards but claimed my cards are fake by using a fake sample card and ripping it. Only scammer who claimed pokemon were fake and asked for refund and still kept the cards.
Ricky Blades- IG is rickyblades. 632 forest lakeholland, OH 43528. What Not is derekkelly. Purchased via what not and hit me up on ig claiming one item was missing from the package. received a refund from what not and also received a discount from me to make up the “missing” package. used the same scheme with another seller and thats how i knew it was a scam. purchased $2k worth of items and now charging back with paypal that it wasnt received when he signed for the item. Makes a bad investment and then calls you shady or scammer because he couldn’t profit off it.
Sabai Phyu and Chime Lhamo- Worst tenants in the world, do not rent to them at any given cost. They leave facial wash mix with honey and coffee with sugar out for days and ants start to crawl into the home. Mind you the home is on the 3rd floor and never had ants before. They leave blood on the mattress and try to microwave food with a metal container. They don’t clean up after themselves and leave the floor black and dirty and pots and pans in the kitchen for days with other tenants around.
Sean Poitras- 5151 Windermere Boulevard 411 Edmonton AB T6W 2K4, Buyer purchased gold toe 1s on kixify and then filed a chargeback case when the shoes arrived. Do not sell to this buyer.
Shakira Mcqueen- 114-14 208th Street Cambria Heights, NY 11411. Kixify scammer, purchased item with who is a medium between buyer and seller. This buyer claimed she didnt make the purchase but then she signed the package that was delivered. Purchased French Blue 12s sz 6.5 damaged box.
Singer Byun David- 16503 6th Ave W Apt B-4 Lynnwood, WA 98037. Tel. 206-271-0689 Purchased a lace lock and was upset it didnt ship in 2 days via eBay and left negative feedback. Harassed on eBay for a return and also on Facebook. All for $16
Steve Paelo- 1219 83rd ave Oakland, CA 94621. Grailed scammer, doesn’t know the difference between real and fake stickers. ID raidersp85.
Theodore Sowa, Denis Kapustin, Jung Yu Na- 477 W 7th Ave # 273 Homestead, PA 15120, Paypal scammer, people will find anyway to scam. purchased undefeated air max 97 black off my website and wanted me to send it to a second address or else they wanted it canceled. Paypal has never allowed to send to a second address because that wont be verified. Thus this scammer was trying to do an address scam to have a chargeback case where he would win.
Torsten Seeger- Hochstr. 31 57271 Hilchenbach NORDRHEIN-WESTFALEN Germany. Grailed scammer, purchased a metallica fog tee and shipped express and a month later filed a chargeback case.
Vro_clothing (Instagram) and vropatrol (grailed)- lowballs so hard. ask me on grailed for an item for 50% off and then after being blocked on grailed, asked me on instagram for more discount.
Yolanda Williams- 32 Sutter Avenue Apt 2A Brooklyn, NY 11212, Had the audacity to ask me if the item shipped when on paypal they try to make a chargeback case and said they never authorized the order. Do not sell to this buyer, try to buy cool grey 11s.
Alexander Dobbs-, never sent the package for charizard
Bolfgoyty- 108 Yantacaw Brook Road Montclair NJ 07043,, seller shipped out a first class package but used express packaging envelope to ship it. the usps forced me to pay $21 for me to pick up the item for his mistake. do not buyer from this seller.
Brave62- IG-xhypeworldx, Uses fake pictures thats not tagged to lure you into buying. Invoices via paypal and doesn’t ship and hope that you will forget the package. Do not buy from this seller.
Bryan Link- IG-landon_link, Somewhere in Missouri is a scammer called bryan. I paid for 170 blank supreme tees and he doesnt ship for 2 days. within that 2 days he transfers the money i paid to him via paypal to his bank. he then sends me a refund which will take 3 to 5 business days from his bank. wasted all this time because he try to scam via his bank account by delaying a refund. Uses my pictures from my website to sell fake yeezys. Do not trust sellers who do that.
Dubias Tone- Fake facebook name, real name is Antonio Ortiz. sends an invoice via paypal to purchase some cards but block me on facebook and does not ship the order. do not do business with this seller.
Sole_Kickz- Scammer. Tries to ask you to gift payment or use wire transfer and then will never speak to you again. Do not send money without having an opportunity of getting it back. Email: Tel:786 629 8079 wal-
This is a legit page thumbs up
Here is a question. I have never seen a fake or replica above a size 13 before. I do not condone fakes/replicas. However I have always made sure to do my homework when purchasing outside of major retailers none the less. I recently purchased a pair of size 14 nike SB RESN dunks (guccis) for a great price. I was shocked tho when the same supplier restocked another size 14 of the same shoe 2 days later. Given that these released in ’09 and 14 is prob the hardest size to come by it made me 2nd guess my purchase. I can find nothing that would make me think they aren’t legit I can’t find anything on the net regarding replicas of this shoe much less in a size 14. I welcome any input on this… Thanks
they make fakes of all sizes these days.
Can i get the production date for AJ 6 black infrared 6 size 10.5 thanks
shoes are sold out thanks.
dont have shoes